Northern Colorado Home Therapy Dialysis (FMC) in Loveland, Colorado - Dialysis Center

Northern Colorado Home Therapy Dialysis (FMC) is a medicare approved dialysis facility center in Loveland, Colorado and it has 4 dialysis stations. It is located in Larimer county at 5285 Mcwhinney Blvd #190, Loveland, CO, 80538. You can reach out to the office of Northern Colorado Home Therapy Dialysis (FMC) at (970) 667-0596. This dialysis clinic is managed and/or owned by Fresenius Medical Care. Northern Colorado Home Therapy Dialysis (FMC) has the following ownership type - Profit. It was first certified by medicare in June, 2013. The medicare id for this facility is 062580 and it accepts patients under medicare ESRD program.

Dialysis Center Profile

NameNorthern Colorado Home Therapy Dialysis (FMC)
Location5285 Mcwhinney Blvd #190, Loveland, Colorado
No. of Dialysis Stations 4
Medicare ID062580
Managed ByFresenius Medical Care
Ownership TypeProfit
Late Shifts No

Contact Information

5285 Mcwhinney Blvd #190, Loveland, Colorado, 80538
(970) 667-0596
Not Available

Map and Direction

NPI Associated with this Dialysis Facility:

Dialysis Facilities may have multiple NPI numbers. We have found possible NPI number/s associated with Northern Colorado Home Therapy Dialysis (FMC) from NPPES records by matching pattern on the basis of name, address, phone number etc. Please use this information accordingly.

NPI Number1104259944
Organization NameFresenius Medical Care Northern Colorado Home Therapy Dialysis
Doing Business AsFresenius Medical Care Loveland, Llc
Address5285 Mcwhinney Blvd Loveland, Colorado, 80538
Phone Number(303) 343-0736

NPI Number1881940187
Organization NameFresenius Medical Care Northern Colorado Home Therapy Dialysis
Doing Business AsFresenius Medical Care Dialysis Services Colorado Llc
Address5285 Mcwhinney Blvd Loveland, Colorado, 80538
Phone Number(303) 343-0736

Patient Distribution

Anemia Management

Dialysis patients with Hemoglobin data18

Dialysis Adequacy

Adult patinets who undergo hemodialysis, their Kt/V should be atleast 1.2 and for peritoneal dialysis the Kt/V should be atleast 1.7, that means they are receiving right amount of dialysis. Pediatric patients who undergo hemodialysis, their Kt/V should be atleast 1.2 and for peritoneal dialysis the Kt/V should be 1.8.
Higher percentages should be better.

  • Hemodialysis
    Adult patients getting regular hemodialysis at the center1
    Adult patient months included in Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.28
    Percentage of adult patients getting regular hemodialysis at the center
    Percentage of pediatric patients getting regular hemodialysis at the center
  • Peritoneal Dialysis
    Adult patients getting regular peritoneal dialysis at the center48
    Adult patient months included in Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.7401
    Percentage of adult patients getting regular peritoneal dialysis at the center99
    Percentage of pediatric patients getting regular peritoneal dialysis at the center

Mineral and Bone Disorder

An important goal of dialysis is to maintain normal levels of various minerals in the body, such as calcium. This shows the percentage of patients treated at Northern Colorado Home Therapy Dialysis (FMC) with elevated calcium levels.

Patients with hypercalcemia49
Hypercalcemia patient months409
Patients with Serumphosphor54
Patients with Serumphosphor less than 3.5 mg/dL7
Patients with Serumphosphor from 3.5 to 4.5 mg/dL24
Patients with Serumphosphor from 4.6 to 5.5 mg/dL32
Patients with Serumphosphor from 5.6 to 7 mg/dL28
Patients with Serumphosphor greater than 7 mg/dL9

Vascular Access

The arteriovenous (AV) fistulae is considered long term vascular access for hemodialysis because it allows good blood flow, lasts a long time, and is less likely to get infected or cause blood clots than other types of access. Patients who don't have time to get a permanent vascular access before they start hemodialysis treatments may need to use a venous catheter as a temporary access.

Patients included in arterial venous fistula and catheter summaries 1
Patient months included in arterial venous fistula and catheter summaries 11
Percentage of patients getting regular hemodialysis at the center that used an arteriovenous (AV) fistulae for their treatment
Percentage of patients receiving treatment through Vascular Catheter for 90 days/longer

Hospitalization Rate

The rate of hospitalization show you whether patients who were being treated regularly at a certain dialysis center were admitted to the hospital more often (worse than expected), less often (better than expected), or about the same (as expected), compared to similar patients treated at other centers.

Standard Hospitalization Summary Ratio(SHR) YearJanuary, 2016 - December, 2016
Patients in facility's Hospitalization Summary42
Hospitalization Rate in facility122.1 (As Expected)
Hospitalization Rate: Upper Confidence Limit303.1
Hospitalization Rate: Lower Confidence Limit52.9

Readmission Rate

The rate of readmission show you whether patients who were being treated regularly at Northern Colorado Home Therapy Dialysis (FMC) were readmitted more often (worse than expected), less often (better than expected), or about the same (as expected), compared to similar patients treated at other dialysis centers.

Standard Readmission Summary Ratio(SRR) YearJanuary, 2016 - December, 2016
Readmission Rate in facility18.4 (As Expected)
Readmission Rate: Upper Confidence Limit54
Readmission Rate: Lower Confidence Limit2.7